We’ve collected a variety of resources to help support small businesses during the COVID-19 crisis. If you are aware of a resource not listed here, please contact us.


In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, our local businesses need to take special precautions to help keep our community healthy.

From the CDC

The CDC recommends that all businesses create and implement an Outbreak Response Plan that includes identifying workplace exposure risks, daily disinfecting of surfaces, encouraging employees to work from home if possible or stay home if they are sick, and canceling nonessential business travel.

For Meetings & Events

Arlington County recommends cancelling all non-essential gatherings from board meetings to open houses and have released a helpful guide for determining whether or not a meeting is essential and what precautions to take should a meeting need to take place.

Financial Assistance

New financial resources are available to businesses who have been financial impacted by COVID-19.

Small Business Disaster Loans

The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering designated states and territories, including Arlington County, low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

General Loans & Grants

The Virginia Small Business Financing Authority (VSBFA) offers a wide range of loans and grants unrelated to COVID-19, but that your business may qualify for.

Layoff Aversion Assistance

The Governor is authorizing $87,619.00 of funding to the Alexandria/Arlington Regional Workforce Council for employers eligible to remain open during the COVID-19 emergency.

Connecting Online

Businesses can connect with each other and with experts virtually through a variety of resources.


Connect with fellow businesses and residents through social media.

Arlington Chamber LinkedIn Group

Columbia Pike Business & Community COVID-19 Support Facebook Group

Network for Good Nonprofits Unleashed Facebook Group

Expert Advice

Book a Virutal Appointment with an expert at BizLaunch.

Help the BizLaunch team by completing this survey.

Subscribe to AED newsletters for up-to-date advice and information.

Subscribe to the Arlington Chamber of Commerce‘s newsletter.

Nonprofits check out the Ask a Fundraising Coach forum.

Tips, Tools, & Resources

Below is a list of various resources for your business that range from virtual research libraries to printable check-lists and more.