Mary Marshall Assisted Living provides personal care and services for adults aged 55 and older with cognitive disabilities and special needs who also qualify as low income individuals. The staff are dedicated to making the residents feel at home and getting to know each person in their care. They help residents live each day as they choose, focusing on their strengths, and building on personal assets, interests and desires.

Under “normal” circumstances this work would already be heroic, but during the current pandemic these nurses, social workers, administrators, and more have gone above and beyond for their residents.

In addition to their everyday efforts to make Mary Marshall a cheerful, supportive community, the staff at Mary Marshall have found creative ways to lift their residents’ spirits while visitors and outings are prohibited. Residents have been given cloth masks in fun colors and patterns to wear in common areas and activity bags filled with arts and crafts supplies tailored to each individuals specific interests.

They has also implemented spirit days that are themed and encourage residents to wear specific outfits (such as on “Wear Polka Dots Day”) or create gifts for each other (such as on “Make a May Day Basket” day). Their next spirit day is planned for mother’s day. Residents will all wear a name tag bearing their mother’s name and are asked to call each other by that name for the day as a fun way to honor their mothers and “be with them in spirit.”

Thank you to all of the wonderful staff at Mary Marshall for not just protecting the health and safety of our friends, family, and neighbors in their care, but for also taking the time to ensure their happiness. You are true heroes.

Thank you to all of the local heroes “suiting up” to support our neighbors in need. Do you know a local hero? Nominate them today to help spread the word about what they’re doing, how others can help, and to let the entire community say “Thank You”.