The Columbia Pike Partnership is dedicated to the safety of our community.
UPDATE: (08/03) Due to inclement weather conditions tonight’s movie “The Color Purple” has been CANCELLED. We apologize for any inconvenience and weather permitting . Thank you!

Columbia Pike’s Annual Pet Fair
Returns Virtually October 30, 2020
This year, CPRO is taking its annual pet fair online with a “Tweet-Up.” All day long, on Friday, October 30, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to check out our spotlights on the best pet-related businesses in our area. Meet our local veterinarians, groomers, dog walkers, shelters, and more. Plus, join in the fun with virtual pet “trick-or-treating,” talent contests, and even virtual dog parks throughout the day.
How To Participate As A Citizen
Please join us on your favorite social media platforms to learn about the numerous pet-related businesses serving Columbia Pike. Share stories about your pet or the businesses you and your pet love all with #PawsOnThePike. Plus, check out the great virtual events we’ll be hosting throughout the day. More details coming soon.

Purchase Your Pets of the Pike 2021 Calendar!
Submissions have concluded and we’ve selected our favorite furry friends for the 2021 Pets of the Pike Calendar! Pre-sales are now open. Purchase your calendar for just $20. All proceeds fund our mission and business support programming. Price includes shipping. All orders placed by December 1 will be shipped together on December 8 to ensure arrival before Christmas.

It wouldn’t be Halloween without a little dress up! And while things may be a bit different this year, that doesn’t mean we can’t still go trick-or-treating in a new way. Share photos of your pet in their best costume on social media with #PawsOnThePike and we’ll send you a virtual goody bag – i.e. a downloadable package of fun surprises from local businesses!

Virtual Dog Parks
Over the course of the day, we’ll open up three public Zoom meetings you and your pet can join. Take a break to socialize with other pet parents on the Pike and maybe make some new furry friends! Meetings have concluded.

The Talent Show
We’ll be hosting a virtual talent show for your pets throughout the entire day. Post videos of their best tricks and special talents for a chance to win the grand prize. Stay tuned to learn more about our prize and submission deadline.
How To Participate As A Business
If you run a pet-related business such as a dog groomer, a veterinary clinic, or pet sitter, please join us on October 30 by taking to your company’s social media platforms to share information about your services with #PawsOnThePike. That’s it! Feel free to run your own promotions, special offers, or anything you’d like. Have questions? Email our Communications Coordinator, Amanda Lovins, for more.
Or, you can become a sponsor! Our sponsors will be included in our virtual goody bags for trick-or-treating, will be included in event promotions, and can even have a video spotlight of their business from CPRO staff!