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After graduating from Harvard, Bryan Stevenson heads to Alabama to defend those wrongly condemned or those not afforded proper representation. One of his first cases is that of Walter McMillian, who is sentenced to die in 1987 for the murder of an 18-year-old girl, despite evidence proving his innocence. In the years that follow, Stevenson encounters racism and legal and political maneuverings as he tirelessly fights for McMillian’s life.

Rated PG-13 • Runtime: 2h 17m

Movie Nights are FREE thanks to funding from Amazon and the Washington Forrest Foundation. Space is limited and registration is required to attend the Columbia Pike Drive-In Movie Nights. Registration for Just Mercy will open July 22 at 11:00 am and fills up very quickly. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the registration link. The newsletter is sent on Thursdays at 10 am, but may take a while to reach all of our subscribers. We appreciate your patience.


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